Should I Stop Texting Her For Awhile
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Should i stop texting her for awhile. Because i really cant stand that she treats me cold and hot while on the other hand me keeps treating her like shes the only one. The initial text conversation is a way to create a playful environment where you get to know each other in an entertaining manner. Should i stop texting her for awhile. Should i text a girl how was your day no especially if you are just getting to know her. Here are the common situations guys get. When you stop texting a guy see him start to text you first. She knows that i can be counted on when theres something happened. I mean the conversation flows but its not like shes going. Dont let her waste your time. Instead continue to text her but shorter responses than her and make it sarcastic until you cease texting all together where upon shell continue to text you out of the blue to keep the connection alive. If she does its a better idea to talk to her rather than disappearing off the face of the earth for a few days. When you text how was your day youre taking information away from her without providing any information in. If she enjoys texting with you or is at least ok with it and you suddenly stop she could interpret that as you losing interest into her. If you are nothing in her world other than a comforter than itll be easy to dismiss any of your strategies to get her chasing you. When a guy misses you he will come to you. Maybe shes just looking for attention or not really interested in meeting someone for real. Before you stop texting her for a while consider how long or short her responses normally are to you. But after all that effort spent to get a reply it can be hard to tell when you should stop messaging a girl. Original poster 1 point 3 years ago edited 3 years ago. Sometimes the guy just is not given a chance to text you first. Maybe he wakes up a little later or had a long day at work. Should i stop texting her for awhile. Does she give you the impression that shes interested in you despite never texting first.
Idk thats a hard one. A lot of girls are always the one to text a guy first and wonder why he never texts her first.
You deserve to find a girl whos excited to meet you in person.

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